Team Status Report 14/3/21

For this week, we mostly reviewed our feedback from the design review presentation and adjusted our scope and design a little and started implementing small parts. We finalised the CAD model for our RC cars, and the parts arrived late this week, so we will begin assembly this weekend and into next week. After that we will begin testing our RC car design using the metrics we have outlined in our design and proposal presentations. On the object detection front, we have multiple candidate algorithms that we will be implementing and experiment locally first, while hoping to port them onto the Jetson hardware once they arrive.  We will also start experimenting and developing the communication protocols for the V2V communication. We still need to work out how to incorporate the IMU data into the communication and how exactly we will lead the following car to ensure it stays on track and doesn’t drift into any of the obstacles.

Moving forward, we hope to have the cars assembled and begin testing by the end of next week, as well as tinkering and ironing out the details in the object detection algorithm so we can focus on a control algorithm for planning and figuring out some of the convoy mechanics.

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