Team’s Update for 02/20/2021

This week the team focused on getting the details of the project finalized. This included discussions with our assigned TA and professor to evaluate the state of our ideas. The meeting concluded with our team settling on the task of a convoy system to demonstrate as a use case for V2V communication. The rest of the week was spent on researching some of the core technologies we intended to use for our project. Some of these insights led us to settle on technologies for communication and perception. We also spent time preparing the our planned schedule for the rest of the semester. This lead us to decide on tasks for each of us to complete which are outlined in greater detail in our proposal documentation.

In the next coming week, the team will be focused on getting the necessary materials finalized according to our budget constraint. This will include our design decision regarding the mechanics of the RC cars. We would also like to setup team infrastructure such as git hub so we can better manage and coordinate our tasks.

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