Joseph’s Status Report for 03/20/2021

This week I have again tried to use the background subtraction. I seem to keep running into this issue of not having images that are same size. For this reason, the background subtraction algorithm does not run well on the images, and even if I try to break things down, the function absdiff would not take in images with different sizes. As I am going on a flight tomorrow morning to US, I will be working on the real environment when I get back and hopefully not have any of these problems. In specific, I wish to maybe take a video and capture specific frames to background subtract instead of taking individual photos because the photo sizes keep varying for some reason.

As for the schedule, I am not really behind with the initial schedule, but since we realized that we had more work to integrate at the end, we might be a bit behind schedule in terms of work. I hope to get much more done next week as I will have access to the real environment.

Next week, I will be working on tuning the background subtractor, and if it is successful, I will go straight into creating a whole chessboard system on code to integrate everything,

Joseph’s Status Report for 03/13/2021

This week I have have looked into getting the coordinates of the corners as well as using the background subtractor. As for the corners, I have found that most of them have values from 0-500, but I realized the values might be pointless without coordinating it with the camera. Hence, I have decided to work on the background subtractor first, see if the camera can recognize the moves, and come back to coordinating the whole steps together. For the background subtractor, I was able to use it on my own webcam on my own video, but I was not able to use it for our purpose, which is comparing two frames to see which coordinates are moving. This was particularly hard for me as  I was working remotely in Korea and did not have access to the chessboard with me to take a video. However, I have requested these to Jeewoong and he was able to take some pictures which I will get working on next week.

As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule. I might not be next week though because I am switching up some tasks in the future weeks.

Next week, I am going to try to figure out using the background subtractor on two frames and getting to see if it is able to recognize the coordinates of which piece moved correctly. If this is successful, I will get working on detecting the corners correctly so I can get started on the move detection as a whole. There might be more steps than just getting the computer vision to work properly since our team is planning on getting each of tiles set up correctly and the location of pieces set up correctly.  Hence, I want to finish the CV part quickly so I can get started on that.

Joseph’s Status Report for 03/06/2021

This week I have detected some chessboard corners. I made two ways of doing this; the first way is to use my internal camera to detect chessboard in real-time. The other way is to simply just use frames to detect the corners. I also realized it might be better to first simply work on frames first and then try to do real-time if necessary.  Some issue that I found was that the detection of chessboard works on a black and white chessboard, which is not the one I have currently. When I get back to US, I think I can use the black and white board so that it works much better. I have also worked on the design presentation as well with my group.

As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule.

Next week, I am going to try to figure out the coordinates of the chessboard tiles to make a grid structure. After discussing with my teammates, this seems like the easy way to go about detecting moves since the board is almost not recognizable by the chessboard when it has pieces on it.

Joseph’s Status Report for 02/27/2021

This week I have set up the environment for OpenCV. This was my first time using OpenCv, so I had to look at some documentations to set it up. After setting up, I have tried grayscaling some images and also have set up my git environment. I have learned how to use paths in Python to get the code working for everybody instead of my local environment.  I have also tested out some images to test out simple grayscaling. As I am currently in Korea, I have also decided to just buy the same Logitech camera I am going to use when I get back to Pittsburgh. This will be particularly useful for next week when I will get the board and the camera to detect the corners of the chess board.

As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule.

Next week, as I have mentioned, I have just bought a camera on my own and is hoping it will arrive in time for me to start working on detecting the corners of chessboard. If it does not arrive in time, I am hoping at least the chess board will arrive so I can simply use my webcam to detect the corners. If that even does not work, I will just rely on some images from the web.

Joseph’s Status Report for 02/20/2021

This week I researched on the computer vision algorithms that our team is going to use. I have looked into the background subtraction algorithm, which seemed especially useful comparing the different states the board will go through in each turn. I have also looked into the hardware for the camera to see what camera our team is going to use for the computer vision component. It seems like Logitech 270 will do the job, with 30 fps and a reasonable price to accomplish our goal. I have also set up the website as well as prepared my portion of slides that we have divided.

As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule.

Next week, I am going to start experimenting with OpenCV libraries available so we can grayscale the image and explore algorithms in OpenCV to prepare for the image processing.