This week I have set up the environment for OpenCV. This was my first time using OpenCv, so I had to look at some documentations to set it up. After setting up, I have tried grayscaling some images and also have set up my git environment. I have learned how to use paths in Python to get the code working for everybody instead of my local environment. I have also tested out some images to test out simple grayscaling. As I am currently in Korea, I have also decided to just buy the same Logitech camera I am going to use when I get back to Pittsburgh. This will be particularly useful for next week when I will get the board and the camera to detect the corners of the chess board.
As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule.
Next week, as I have mentioned, I have just bought a camera on my own and is hoping it will arrive in time for me to start working on detecting the corners of chessboard. If it does not arrive in time, I am hoping at least the chess board will arrive so I can simply use my webcam to detect the corners. If that even does not work, I will just rely on some images from the web.