During this week, I set up the static IP on my local network so that Heidi and Vaheeshta are able to work at my apartment concurrently. This week, I also worked on the focus timer for Heidi’s Head Pose Estimation that still needs to be tested this coming week. Following our meeting with Professor Savvides and Abha, Professor Savvides suggested that we actually should take some of our own custom datasets so we are not blindsided if we need them in the future. Thus, I took images of myself and a friend in my driveway simulating normal driving and distracted driving behaviors that we may need. Following talking with Heidi and Vaheeshta, we realized that integration may be difficult and we underestimated the amount of time needed, so we decided that we want to python threading. Since we all have little experience with this, I did some research on python threading and found a couple tutorials that we can potentially use to accomplish what we need to. Also, we have decided on the audio prompts that we wish to use for calibration, so I have done some research and plan on writing the code this week.
I am mostly on schedule. Things have been slightly difficult because I experienced some side effects (i.e. extreme fatigue) following my vaccine on Wednesday for a couple of days, and because I am not currently in Pittsburgh to test on the Jetson. Once I get back to Pittsburgh on Monday, I plan to immediately start testing the focus timer on Heidi’s head pose estimation.
In the next week, I hope to have the focus timer tested on the Jetson because I am having some difficulty testing it currently on my laptop when I usually have my desktop computer at my apartment. I also will be writing the code for the audio prompts for the calibration steps and testing it with Vaheeshta.
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_multithreading.htm
- https://realpython.com/intro-to-python-threading/#timer
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEEhzQoKtQU
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPZ1pJACMI