Team Status Report for 2/20

The most significant risks at the moment that could jeopardize the success of the project is integrating all the software algorithms we have together and integrating the hardware components. We plan on testing each algorithm extensively before integrating in steps with the others. Once the algorithms are fully integrated for each hardware part. The plan to test communication between the two devices is to start with simple messaging examples and then proceed to our actual software connecting between the devices. We have done research about each of the components to ensure compatibility. Additional research will be done throughout the project as needed. Another concern will be making sure we are able to power both the Nano and Pi with power banks and enough power is received for multiple hours to run software on each. Before integration we will make sure that they work with charging cables, to observe performance and then move to using power banks. Another risk with the power source will be having scripts automatically run the algorithms when power is plugged in or to switch to using a switch to turn the Pi and Nano on and off. Our plan for this to test our script that runs the algorithms in the correct sequence to ensure it works properly without us intervening. Once this is working fully, we will add the command to start upon plugged into outlet, and then plugged into power bank.

So far no changes have been made, but there might be after the proposal presentation on Monday. Thus, there is no updated schedule.

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