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Andy’s Status Report for 3/27


  • Worked on setting up OpenCV for my laptop webcam and run during live feed
  • Kept running into a bug where my webcam failed to show anything –> solved it by updating my webcam drivers manually
  • Able to run color thresholding and draw contours during live video feed (images below)
  • Tried to draw contours for some “pinkish” items like my yogurt fork and my pillow which it managed to do but still did not successfully detect the entire pillow/fork yet. I am working on improving my thresholding to be able to draw the contour around the entire item. I also had some slight interference/noise at times. For example, when I was testing on my fork, OpenCV also drew a contour around my lips as well. I need to make sure that I can filter out noise for all similar colors.


  • Next week, I am hoping to receive the Kinect Xbox camera, which has better color detection, fps, and depth perception. I will set that up and try to draw contours for different items during testing and gradually progress towards pinkish items and tools wrapped in neon pink tape. I also need to make sure to filter out all noise/interference as possible from the background so only neon pink is detected.

Here are some screenshots from my webcam during live video feed color detection testing.

Initially, I connected webcam to OpenCV and just tried to detect my bright blue shirt. It also drew reflections around the blue reflections in my eyes.

I was trying to only draw the contours for my spoons but my lips were detected as pinkish as well.

Tried to use an orange/pink? pillow and moved it around. Since I set the threshold for a deeper hue/saturation, the pink? spoon was not detected this time while the pillow was. I am trying to figure out the right thresholding to account for the glare and lighting so that the entire pillow is detected.

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