Rama’s Status Update for 02/15 (Week 1)


Installed OpenPose on my laptop to test out what kind of information we can expect to receive. It ran very slow with around 30 seconds per frame, which was around what we expected from CPU-only execution.

Started the installation progress on the Xavier board, and after much difficulty trying to operate within the strict confines of NVIDIA’s JetPack SDK installer. I ended up creating an Ubuntu VM on my laptop through VirtualBox, and we were able to flash the OS and install CUDA, OpenCV, and other dependencies.

Installing OpenPose was very difficult and is not yet completed. All of the provided installation scripts are outdated and the process required extensive hacking. Unfortunately, there were immediate runtime errors so we will likely have to do some research. From a cursory investigation, I suspect our CUDA versions are to blame, so a first step will be a clean reinstall of CUDA.


On schedule with the board, but gesture recognition will take longer than expected.