This week involved further group discussions addressing how our project would move forward in our remote environments. Discussions with Prof Sullivan and Jens provided insights on how we could break our project down into milestones that may be safely achievable, to those that would target goals, to those that would be stretch goals. Working through this conceptualization with the team was helpful. It made us more comfortable with the current situation. These were detailed in our Statement of Work, another document we worked on this week.
We also decided on individual tasks for the next week that would help prove that our planned milestones are feasible. While Akash and Mayur are working to collect step count data, my week’s task is to create a skeleton for the time warping algorithm (create a design), and be able to import and visualize mp3 files into this skeleton.
To be clear, our group has decided that our week’s will start/end on Wednesdays to allow enough time and flexibility for us to get our individual tasks done, and for communication/coordination.
p.s. I apologize for this report being one day late. As a result of fracturing my hand mid last week and the new COVID-19 ‘stay at home’ sanctions in New Jersey, I last minute had to spend the weekend moving from Pittsburgh to home. I would really appreciate the flexibility, here.