E4: Final Project Video
Description: 18-500 ECE Capstone Final Project Video
Technical Note to our Professors: The app is almost fully-integrated, with 2/3 components already combined and the last almost there. Components work completely individually, and the outputs of each component is the only input required for the next. The output of the song selection and step detector sensors are the only inputs needed for the time modification algorithm. The output of the warping algorithm is the music to be player. Although it does not work in real-time, proof of concept was established and given a little extra time, could be completed.
Team Status Report for 5/2
Very briefly, there are only three items left in the agenda. These are the integration of the warping code with the app (which we will attempt in the next two days), writing up the final report, and creating the demo video. From our discussion with Professor Sullivan, we know that it is already an accomplishment to have the individual components working and the project integrated 2/3 of the way. In a perfect world, the app and warping algorithm would be have a shared language and be easy to mix together. Our current ability to have inputs/outputs of each piece flow into each other is enough to show that with such a situation, we would have been able to add this final piece. The other two items have due dates in the next week. We are working on creating them now!
Mayur’s Status Report for 5/2
Honestly, there isn’t much to say now. Akash sent me the code which bounded the songs to -10/+15 BPM in the song selection algorithm, and I integrated the new version into the app. Integrating the time warping algorithm with the app code remains difficult. All that’s left otherwise is the final report and the demo video. Overall, capstone has been very design heavy. I gave my feedback to the course instructors via the FCEs, and I honestly had a positive experience with the course.