Team status report for Saturday April 18

This week we made significant headway towards the finished project.  The first three microphone boards are populated and tested, and most of the software for real-time visualization and beamforming has been written.   At this point, we all have our heads down, finishing our portion of the project, so most of the progress this week has been detailed in individual reports. There were some hiccups as we’re expanding the number of operational microphones in the system, but that should be fixed next week.

This coming week, we’ll all continue working on our respective parts, planning to finish before the end of the week.  John will mainly be working on finishing the hardware, and Ryan and Sarah, the software.

We are roughly on track with regards to our revised timeline, the hardware should be done within a few days, and all the elements of the software are in place and just need to be refined and debugged.

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