Team Status Update for 02/29
Arka set up the RPi SSH capabilities and the camera pipeline. He tested and timed the object detection code on the RPi and started working on the resistor classification portion for CV.
Claire set up the stepper motors controlled with the Arduino. There is more documentation on how to use these motor drivers with an Arduino than an RPi and the code is easier, so she is using this as a starting point to learn how to control the motors. The goal is to move the motor controls to an RPi once we get the hang of it with an Arduino.
I (Maxine) manufactured the mounts needed for the XY gantry. I also started on designing the custom mount now that we know the dimensions needed for our height, and the component we will use for our Z-axis rack-and-pinion.
Our team has also spent some time working on the design report document. For next week, Arka aims to continuing working on the classification portion with image cropping and colour space transformation. Claire aims to look into setting up the Z-axis kit and also look into what servos we need for rotating the gripper and controlling the gripper. I aim to manufacture the mounts needed for our Z-axis components and assemble the gantry once our rails arrive.