Maxine’s Status Update for 03/15
We were informed that the gantry actually arrived a few weeks ago but was never put in the system, but at least now we know when to verify when parts arrive. Before spring break, I spent the week customizing our parts and making any necessary adjustments to fit the gantry better. I also printed more parts for the remainder of the assembly, and went to get the nuts and bolts needed for assembly. Everything should be all ready to go once we return for spring break.
However, due to the campus shutdown, we won’t be able to move forward with the assembly as planned. In terms of schedule, I was lagging behind because I didn’t have the gantry to work with yet, but I had made sure to order the Z-axis servo to expedite the assembly once we return.
For the next week, we plan to use this time to refocus and rescope our project under these new working circumstances.