Arka’s Status Update for 02/22
This week, I finished working on the object detection pipeline. Last week, I was struggling to properly filter our the background resistor board. I figured out the appropriate HSV values to filter it out, which should stay the same under these lighting conditions across images. I used CLAHE to reduce the effect of reflections of the resistors, morphological closing to close any holes that appeared in the resistors, and contouring to find and draw edges around the resistors. I cleaned up the code for the pipeline and next week, I am ready to get started on working on resistor classification.
On the embedded side of things, I worked on getting the Rpi connected to campus wifi, working with ssh on the rpi, and setting up the camera. Next week, I will try to set up the image taking pipeline on the rpi so I can begin testing images taken off the rpi. I will also test my object detection code on the rpi to see how fast it runs there.