Weekly Status Reports

Abha’s Status Report for Feb 15

Abha’s Status Report for Feb 15

This week, I first worked on finalizing the Bill of Materials. I specc’d out the exact parts for the Text Display, Face Display, Motors, and the Motor Driver. The Text Display will be a 5in x 3in LCD screen, which connects to the Raspi through HDMI 

Jade’s Status Update for Feb 15

Jade’s Status Update for Feb 15

This week I worked on finding the components I need for the audio input, as well as choosing a speech recognition package and investigating text to speech packages. For audio input hardware I decided to go with a simple TRS to USB soundcard input into 

Ashika’s Status Update for Feb 15

Ashika’s Status Update for Feb 15

This week, I accomplished three main tasks. First, I found a story dataset for the templates: a collection of 177 of Aesop’s Fables. All these stories are about 5-7 sentences long, so they fit our desired template length and will be the only story dataset we will use throughout the project. Second, I downloaded the the NLTK package for part of speech tagging and synonym detection/recall as well as FitBERT (fill in the blank BERT), and I researched how to use both tools and their capabilities and limitations.

Once I had all these resources, I designed the machine learning model (shown above). I also created an example template to fit this model:

Original Template
A Nightingale sitting on the top of an oak, singing her evening song, was spied by a hungry Hawk, who swooped down and seized her. The frightened Nightingale prayed the Hawk to let her go.

“If you are hungry,” said she, “why not catch some large bird? I am not big enough for even a luncheon.”

“Do you happen to see many large birds flying about?” said the Hawk. “You are the only bird I have seen to-day, and I should be foolish indeed to let you go for the sake of larger birds that are not in sight. A morsel is better than nothing.”

A Nightingale sitting on the top of an **USER-NOUN** , singing her **fitBERT-Random** song, was spied by a Hawk that was **USER-ADJ**, who swooped down and seized her. 

“If you are hungry,” said the Nightingale, “why not catch some **USER** bird? I am not

**fitBERT-syn** enough for even a luncheon.”

“Do you happen to see many **fitBERT-Syn** birds **USER-VERB** about?” said the Hawk.

“You are the only bird I have seen today, and if I let you go for the sake of  **fitBERT-syn** birds that are not in sight, I would be **USER-ADJ**. A **fitBERT-ant** bird is better than nothing.”

I have added the details of this model to our design report (not yet finished).

I am on par with the planned schedule. Now that I have all the resources, I can start working on part of speech tagging for the user input and for template generation. Next week, I hope to have two or three example templates complete with parts of speech identified for any user or fitBERT inputs. I also hope to finish the machine learning part of the design presentation.



Team Status Update for Feb 15

Team Status Update for Feb 15

The dimensions of KATbot are as shown above. Risks and Risk Management: The most significant risk is a poor fill in the blank algorithm for the machine learning based stories. Without this feature, the stories will not be cohesive or grammatically correct, defeating the purpose