Abha’s Status Update for April 18

On Monday, I set up the face display and got code working on it to draw shapes and lines. This was a precursor so that I could debug issues with drawing shapes on a canvas before creating the actual face.

On Wednesday, I worked with Jade and Ashika to integrate Jade’s socket code with the Pi and hardware on my side, and debug issues we had with integrating it with the hardware. The socket code is used to transmit information between my laptop and the Pi.

On Friday, I worked with Ashika to integrate her code to bold text that are generated by KATbot (and not the template), and debug hardware issues with it, such as markup issues and testing to determine which sizes of canvas and text are appropriate for our displays.

On Saturday, I returned to the face display and worked on drawing the face. This is time consuming because there is a lot of experimentation involved with figuring out the desired size and which pixels to use for them.

In the upcoming week, I plan to finish the face display and assemble everything into the physical robot to finish the MVP. If I have time after that, I will work on the robot showing sentiment, but since that is outside of the MVP, it is not a focus right now.

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