Jade’s Status Report for April 4

On Sunday I decided to tackle the choppy audio quality that I was getting from the audio playback. I was using pydub’s AudioSegment to play the sound back, but it was choppy, so, I investigated a few other audio processing packages including pyglet, pygame, tkSpeak, as well as just running mpg123 on command line. After doing testing with each, I found that I couldn’t get pyglet, pygame or tkSpeak to work either install or work on the pi. So, I went with playing audio with mpg123. This worked surprisingly well and provided clean audio.
On Monday I found that the audio input wasn’t working very well on the raspberry pi. Originally I was using speech_recognition’s microphone class to record audio, however it would hang or never stop recording, even when I supplied a timeout. So, I decided that instead I would record 3 seconds of audio after the user has been prompted from the microphone and pass it into speech recognition on an audio file. This worked really well and allowed for the pi to take audio input.
On Wednesday I worked on integrating Ashika’s new ML code changes with the audio code on my laptop. This involved a lot of back and forth figuring out errors between the both of us.
On Friday I got the audio input/output processing code working on both the pi and my laptop. The ML + audio system works fully on my laptop. We realized that if we could install all the ML packages onto the pi, then we wouldn’t need to run the ML code on the laptop. So, I worked on installing ML packages on the pi. Unfortunately I ran into a lot of issues and plan to try just a bit more before giving up and working on writing code to let the laptop and pi communicate.
So far I am a little behind because I should’ve started working on phase vocoding, however, I’ve decided to table that until we have a completely working ML and pi communication system.
Next week I want to try and work on getting the ML installs working on the pi. If I can’t then I will be working on cleaning up the sockets code between the laptop and pi.