Abha’s Status Report for March 28

On Monday, I fixed a couple issues with the CAD of the body frame. I’ve also started the CAD for the head frame and figuring out how to redo the arms now that I don’t have access to a 3d printer. Initially, my plans involved 3d printing supports for the middle of the arm, with the frame on the outside. Since I don’t have the tools to accurately cut wood into the shapes that I initially had made on CAD, I need to redo those parts into something more manageable.
On Wednesday, I made a cardboard prototype of the body frame. I also made a prototype of the feet in front with styrofoam. I learned that cutting cardboard (accurately) takes a lot longer than I thought it was. The cutout in the front exactly fits the text display, and the back has vents for heat dissipation.
On Friday, I worked on the eyes display. I downloaded the required libraries and wrote some code to draw text and shapes on it via the libraries provided. I also spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to load an image onto the display via the SD card that can be provided to the display. However, the code and resources online for this is minimal and I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to do this. Currently, the screen changes to light blue when it loads an image, instead of loading the image itself.
In the next week, I plan on debugging the issues with the eyes display, making the cardboard prototype for the head, and working with Ashika on integrating the text display with her output sentence code.