Team Status Report for April 11


TJ has completed the following FPU operations:

Operation Described? Implemented? Testbench?
Linear Forward Yes Yes Yes
Linear Backward Yes Yes
Linear Weight Gradient Yes Yes
Linear Bias Gradient Yes Yes
Convolution Forward Yes
Convolution Backward Yes Yes
Convolution Weight Gradient Yes
Convolution Bias Gradient Yes
MaxPool Forward Yes
MaxPool Backward
ReLU Forward Yes
ReLU Backward Yes
Softmax Forward
Softmax Backward
Cross-Entropy Backward
Flatten Forward Yes
Flatten Backward Yes Yes
Parameter Update Yes  


And will be finishing the rest to get an end-to-end test working.

Mark has finished the helper function to sort through a model and list out every layer that is called in the specific order. This will be used in order to serialize each model. Mark also made small changes to the Transport Layer Protocol.

Jared has fixed bugs in the SPI protocol and guaranteed its ability to function on the RPi.


TJ will spend the next week finishing up the FPU Job Manager and implementing the rest of the Model Manager in preparation for the Demo on Monday.

Mark will spend the next week making sure that models are being serialized over correctly.

Jared will complete the SPI bus implementation, along with additional processing for data receiving.


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