Mia Han’s Status Report for 3/7/20

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week my team and I spent a lot of time finishing up the design document. There was some confusion on the overall architecture so as a team we spent a lot of time ironing out the details before we submitted. After that we planned out our goals for the implementation phase going into spring break.  Additionally, we decided who would be implementing what parts of project during spring break.  This week, I began writing some code for the GUI implementation and wrote at least 1/3 of the functions for the communication using the STM32 cube libraries.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

We are on schedule but we have a lot of work to dot before the first demo. I plan on using spring break to make some initial progress on the implementation phase.  During spring break, I hope to at least implement the GUI and MCU communication and protocols; with this completed, we would be able to use the GUI to begin testing the individual components.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

During spring break, I hope to complete the GUI and MCU interactions and communications over a few days that I plan on completing course work.  Additionally, I hope that those functions are tested and ready to use for testing the protocols by the time school starts.

Mia Han’s Status Report for 2/22/20

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

I finalized what libraries will be used to implement the communication between the GUI and the STM32.  With the finalization of what the responsibilities of the STM32 and the GUI communication will be, the ideal library used to implement our design became clearer and easier to determine. I determined what specific libraries and functions will be used to measure the latencies and to interface with the STM32 peripheral, UART.  Measuring latencies was something that we were initially unsure about how to implement, but I began to look into what the stm32cube HAL libraries and microPython libraries offered and realized that both offer libraries that can measure and return the number of clock cycles internally.  Furthermore, I wanted to find implementations that contained libraries that would best achieve what we have and mind and would offer the most useful functions to do so.

A good amount of the work this week has been going into our design presentation.  After discussion with my teammates regarding what design we should go with, we finalized the design and I created multiple diagrams that are used in the presentation.

Final GUI Design:

Interactions Between GUI, MCU, and Components:

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I believe that my progress is behind schedule; I feel confident in the design decisions that I’ve made especially after thoroughly discussing them with my team and hearing their thoughts regarding them.  I would have liked to start writing some code this week to see what it’s like using an STM32 and having it communicate with my computer, but unfortunately, the cable to connect over USB didn’t come with the MCU.  To make up for this delay, I intend on spending more hours next weekend when I’ll have more time to begin writing some of the functions for the transactions between the GUI and STM32.  Additionally, by beginning to write these functions, I will have a better understanding of what implementing these functions are like for the Design Report due next week.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I hope to write at least 3-5 functions that will be implemented and I hope to be 110% confident in my design and implementation choices.  Moreover, I hope that I have determined how exactly I intend to implement each function in our design using which languages and libraries.


Mia Han’s Status Update for 2/15/20

What did you personally accomplish this week?

After deciding what each team member is responsible for researching, I was tasked to determine what libraries should be used to implement the API design. We needed decide and figure out how the GUI will transmit control signals to the MCU and how the MCU will send status signals to the GUI; this week, we needed to figure out if we were transmitting data over USB or over UART.  Finding different libraries that we could use wasn’t difficult, but finding the best libraries specifically for the STM32 that also met our needs was more challenging.  Additionally, we needed to take into account what libraries will be use with each port and the pro’s and con’s of using various different libraries.  I went over our decision for using UART and microPython + C here.

The highest priority will be writing the code for the transactions between the GUI and the MCU; once we can successfully test and run the code, we will begin designing and creating the GUI which will be implemented in Python.

Is your progress on schedule or behind?

I believe that my progress is slightly behind; with deciding these libraries, I feel that designing the remaining parts of the project will be easier now that we know what languages and libraries we would like to use.  Plus, I can begin finding code samples and begin writing the code for the transactions between the GUI and the MCU.  However, some potential issues that may arise are issues integrating the transactions between the MCU and other components like I2C, UART etc with the transactions between the MCU and UART (GUI), an aspect of the design that I haven’t looked too much into yet.  These issues may be more apparent once sketching the functionality of the programs and writing a few programs are completed, so hopefully, this should be resolved by next week.

What deliverables do you hope to accomplish in the next week?

This week, I hope to work closely with my team to determine the requirements of priority for each component of our project; once the upmost important requirements are determined, I hope that we can begin designing how each of our responsible portions of the project will be integrated based on each other’s portions need.  I hope to begin writing crucial functions for the implementation to verify that it is feasible to integrate transmit and receive signals from the MCU.  Additionally, I hope to further research the usage of using UART as a port on the MCU to determine if other issues may arise to ensure that using MicroPython and UART are the best choices for our project.