Status Update – Team (03/02/2019)

This week, we spent the majority of our group meeting time working on the design review, particularly rehearsing for the presentation. We’ve also spent some time looking over the feedback from our design review, and discussing how this could impact what we submit for the design proposal document this Monday. In particular, we’ve identified from our feedback the need to lock down a more concrete, well-researched testing plan. This is something that we plan to research on Sunday during our group meeting and incorporate into our design document.

Besides these small group items, the majority of the work we’ve been doing has been on our own independent parts. Matt is currently working on the circuit simulator, Stephen is working on the frontend, and Joseph is working on the audio processor. This week, we unfortunately had to commit an unusually large amount of our time to the design review as well as midterm exams for other classes. This is something we think will be an abnormal occurrence, and we should be able to get back to normal this week, as we make a final push to get a lot done before spring break. We recognize that we are a bit behind our planned schedule, which is why we hope to be able to get back on track this week by putting more hours into our project than normal across the board. The fact that we don’t have any deliverables due for some time after our design document will also surely help.

Updated schedule:

The schedule contained in our design review slides was constructed relatively recently, and should still be up-to-date. Within some of the larger goals listed on our schedule, we are hoping to accomplish some of the following tasks in the near future (this week):

  • Minimum working UI
  • Audio processor capable of handling audio signals of the format provided by circuit simulator directing output speakers
  • Circuit simulator works for simple circuits (<7-8 components, voltage source connected directly to ground)

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