Lizzy’s Status 2/23
This week during class I primarily worked on setting up the website and prepping for the presentation next week.
On Monday, I organized the website into posts and categories so that each post type can be shown on a different. I also added the intro post and the presentation post. I added in some of the images and added in some of the posts from the week before.
On Wednesday, I worked on the design presentation for next week. Both me and Vanessa are out of town this weekend, so doing this together during class time was important. We made the slides and talked about who was going to present and what we were going to work on.
Vanessa and I also talked about the different data structures we wanted to use and how to best organize and design them since that is the primary way that we are transferring data between our two parts.
Beyond that, I also worked on the part of the project for the week for finding the connected components in the image. I have already removed the staff lines and some external features like titles, so the next step is to find the different connected components in the image. From there I can find note-heads, determine if it is even a note, etc. but I have to find connected components first. I first attempted this with my own flood-fill algorithm, but it ended up being fairly buggy and slow. So, I looked into the builtin openCV one and that works very well. I may go back to my own later, but for now, I want to move on with the problem and not focus on this.
The builtin one works well though, with a connectivity level of 8, and when I use the stats to build an object with all the coordinates and label number. I was also able to annotate the image to make sure I was finding the correct areas of the image.
I am currently still on schedule and therefore nothing needs to be done to catch up. Everything is still working out and doing well so far.
In the next week I hope to be able to determine some basic notes with template matching or hough circle transforms.