Vanessa’s Status 2/16
- Raspberry Pi
This week we ordered parts for our project including Raspberry Pi, and we also got a used one from the professor. Surbhi and I set up the Raspberry Pi (Factory reset, user configuration, Wifi settings) and explored some of the functionalities of it. I’ve also setup SSH and VNC viewer in my computer in order to access Raspberry Pi remotely.
- OMR data structure to MusicXML
Because I didn’t know much about MusicXML structure, before working on conversion of data from OMR data structure to MusicXML, I read through MusicXML user manual ( From this, I was able to make a list of elements that MusicXML file needs for it to be successfully converted into PDF sheet music, and shared it to Lizzy with explanation.
Following is the list of information that I need to get from Lizzy’s OMR output:
– Division: divisions per quarter note
– Key
– Fifths: number of flats(negative)/sharps(positive) (int)
– Mode: major, minor
– Time Signature
– Staves: number of staves
– Clef
– Pitch
– Step: actual key – A, B, C, D, E, F, G
– Alter: sharp or flat
– Octave (4 for the octave starting with mid C)
– Duration: using division that we defined in attributes
– Voice: if poliphonic, divide them into different voices
– Type: whole, half, quarter, eighth
– Stem: stem of the note, down, up, double
– Staff: which staff the not is located
Although it took a bit of time setting up Python with other development environment on my computer, I started creating a function that converts the data to a MusicXML file. I discovered that lxml – a library for processing XML in Python – is very useful, so I’ve read its documentation ( My function can now output a MusicXML file with some of the elements in the list above, but not completely done, because I still need to talk to Lizzy about exactly how OMR’s output data structure looks like.
I am on schedule with my work; Next week, I will finish writing the data conversion function and start working on parsing MIDI output from the keyboard. I will order cables for MIDI output and research more about MIDI software.