Mitchell Update 2/24-3/2
This week our main focus was on the Design presentation and document. We worked on compiling our work. And finalizing our sensor configuration.
- We got the ultrasonic sensor to work with pi through an arduino and tested it as a team. We performed tests at 2m, 4m, 6m, and 8m (at varying degrees) in the lab room and tested varying modes of the sensor. We determined that the voltage mode was most acurate but the values were very unstable at 8m. The width of the lab room is a good testing environment for the width of a trail. But it appears the sensor is picking up the width of the room at 8+m which creates a problem for us.
- I worked on configuring the lidar with the raspberryPi but had difficulty getting it to work through the gpio interface. Upon research, we realized that the sensor will need a USB/TTL converter for the lidar sensor to work with our Pi correctly. So this was ordered.
- We designed a plan to use 1 lidar sensor and 2 ultrasonic sensors based on our testing feedback and use the combination to filter out the wide-angle false positives. However, this plan will not work due to interference issues between two ultrasonics. And the width of the ultrasonics proved to be an issue
A big change for us is to use 3 lidar sensors and a camera sensor
Goals next week
- LiDar sensor feedback
- Design review doc (early next week)
- Block diagram
- Custom sensor angling board diagram
- Bill of Materials
- System design (wearable design and sensor orientation)