Evan Compton Status Report 2/17-2/23
I was once again a bit limited this week in terms of screen time, etc. as I am returning from a concussion, but was able to use that time to start the object recognition work for the project.
I installed Python and OpenCV and got them all set up.
I started to read through the documentation for OpenCV, and work through the following tutorial to start getting a feel for it’s capabilities: https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_tutorials.html
I downloaded several initial training images of runner’s, biker’s, and car’s to start experimenting with for feature generation in OpenCV.
Despite my concussion related limitations, I once again still feel on schedule.
Next week I would like to continue to work through the OpenCV tutorial and learn more about it’s capabilities, and hopefully start experimenting with some feature’s using the sample of training data I have obtained.