Evan Compton Progress Report 2/10-2/16
This week I had a concussion, as discussed with the instructors, so my ability to work on the project was very limited. Nonetheless I was still able to discuss the project with my group in class and complete tasks that didn’t involve extensive use of a computer screen.
I designed the user interface for our iOS application that connects to our wearable and constantly transmits information from the wearable to a user’s headphones as depicted below.
I additionally helped pick out initial parts for the project.
I began to design an object recognition approach for the project as well. I have decided the initial approach given the speed and power requirements should attempt to use OpenCV to extract features from the images, and then use a simple machine learning algorithm (k-nearest neighbors to start) to attempt to classify the object (using training images of biker’s car’s and runner’s off of the internet).
My progress is on schedule, but would like to pick up the pace more once I am fully healed from my concussion and do not have limited screen time.
In the next week I would like to really dive into research for the object recognition approach and learn more about the capabilities of OpenCV.