We did not realize that a raspberry pi does not have the exact same capabilities of an Arduino, in that it cannot read analog input directly. We may have to switch to using an Arduino to read the data from the piezo sensor to mitigate any possible difficulties with this part of the pipeline.
After our design presentation, the TAs and Professor recommended that we implement all our code in Matlab so that we can avoid any delays in interfacing between Matlab and Python. We are porting all our Color Detection code to Python next week.
We will not use Matlab anymore for our CV implementations. This change was necessary to prevent any latency caused by transferring data between Python and Matlab. This means that Isha will need to work on the CV algorithms for another week in order to transfer the code. However, this will not delay our overall progress since this task will be replacing our initial task of creating a Matlab to Python pipeline to transfer data between the two.
Another change is that we will be implementing SVM to perform dynamic thresholding instead of K-means clustering because in our case, the color of the red dot remains fairly constant.
Below is an updated schedule: