After presenting our design on Monday, I created a preliminary GUI pictured below for our Matlab to Python pipeline that I was supposed to be starting this week. This will be used for our testing. This required setting up PyQt5 on my laptop.
I also upgraded to Matlab 2018b from Matlab 2016b so that we will all be using the same software.
After our design presentation, a TA or professor recommended that we do not use Matlab so that we can omit any possible delays from sending data back and forth from a Python script to a Matlab script. We decided to alter our design to reflect this change. Thus, my future task assignments have changed. I will be porting the color detection code from Matlab to Python next week.
We worked on taking more test data this week so that Tanu and I could have more data with which to test our detection algorithms. My team also spent many hours writing the Design Document that is due on Monday. We also worked on our schedule to reflect the feedback the professors sent out and redid our block diagram for the Design Document.
Since only my future tasks have changed, my progress is on schedule. We have decided to focus entirely on color detection for our prototype given our successes with preliminary test results with the LAB color space. All tests passed our metric requiring the detected coordinate to be within the 3/4 the radius of the red dot.