Bhuvan’s status report (Apr 27, 2019)
This week, I finished implementing the application level. The application layer worked perfectly at slower speeds and received almost 100% accuracy when integrated with the physical layer. The accuracy however drops when changing the parameters of the encoding and decoding to work at higher speeds. My guess is that this is due to the result of adding a timeout which is too small and thus causing the FSMs on the receiver and transmitter sides to go out of sync (ie. the receiver is waiting for DATA packets while the receiver is waiting for READY packets). I also run into issues where the packets coming in between the receiver and transmitter have off by one errors which result in the FSMs not recognizing the packet as a certain packet. I will continue to work on these issues over the weekend. One potential fix for this issue might be to use more loosely defined READY, ACK and NAK packets to offset the off by one errors.
Dhruva’s Status Report (Apr 27, 2019)
This week, I worked on further optimizing distance and speed. This was on the modulation side and the circuit side. I have been changing fixed components in the circuit to see if we can get any improvements on the distance between transmitter and receiver. I also built the main circuit which we will be using for the final demo. In addition to this, I spent time on preparing the slides for the final presentation.
Raziq’s Status Report (Apr 27, 2019)
This past Monday was our in-lab demo. We were asked many questions regarding the performance characteristics of our protocol, some of which we have reflected upon. On the datalink side, I have been performing tests to determine the best parameters for speed and distance. Before the new LEDs came in, we have been able to transmit at up to ~850 Kbps from a few centimeters away. Now I am performing new tests with the LEDs to see if we can break 1 Mbps. Then we will re-integrate the application layer and be set for the demo.
Upcoming work
Integration and bug fixing for demo
Improve speed of data transmission
Team Status Report
We received all ordered components. We are working together on the final presentation and poster, as well as preparing for the public demo.