Status Report (3/02)

Group Update

Slightly behind schedule for motor/encoder IO development on Raspberry Pi due to missing micro SD card, and slightly behind on implementation of SLAM due to work on design presentation and report.


Amukta’s Update

  • This week, I mostly worked on the design presentation and design report.
  • I set up the RPLidar and tested its input. I also set up an Ubuntu VM and ROS repo for the entire team to use:

  • I continued to work on the visualization web app.
  • Next week, I will be working on implementing loop closure.

Kanupriyaa’s Update

ICP Algorithm Building

After we changed the entire system architecture and decided to use Odometry to build the data, I  stopped work on the data probability for localization and continued work for building the new SLAM Algorithm. I researched and read 26 papers on SLAM, ranging from ICP, Graph based SLAM to the different components that go into SLAM to stitch together a design we have made on our own. We have decide to just use ICP in a Graph based SLAM and later optimize the graph for better accuracy.

Tiffany’s Update

Maze Design & General Tasks

I brainstormed ways to design the maze to make it modular and decided on building the maze in 1x1x1 ft sections that can be reconfigured to form different mazes.

I also updated the Gantt chart to reflect changes to our implementation and added milestones.

Motor/Encoder IO ROS Nodes

The motor and encoder IO ROS nodes were suppose to have been completed this week. I have written ROS nodes for reading and writing to the motors and encoders, but cannot test these since I lost the micro SD card for the Raspberry Pi. So I am slightly behind on this task, but the nodes can be tested once the new SD card arrives on Monday and is set up.

Next Week

  • Test motor and encoder IO nodes
  • Start work on path planning (coordinate with Kanupriyaa on ROS topics)
  • Build maze segments

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