Status Report — Brian Bakerman (final week)
This week I helped the team validate that our system was working end-to-end and did final checks on my app.
This week I helped the team validate that our system was working end-to-end and did final checks on my app.
This week I worked on arduino communication between our different working modules. This week was largely a team effort with regards to debugging the arduino code and making sure that the logic of the system and intercommunication worked properly. Next week I plan on helping with final logic tweaks of Read more…
This week I worked on figuring out what information to display for the app. I learned how progress bars are created and data structures in swift. For next week, I intend on putting in all these features into the app.
I finished up the entire app frontend and backend and fixed small bugs in the python script to update the database. Next week, I plan on helping my team integrate my piece into the raspberry pi so that they can datalog and we can use the app in the project, Read more…
I have been working on the iOS app frontend. I have some familiarity with iOS, but not too much outside of the storyboard. I’m still learning how to dynamically display the data. At this point, I have programmatically been able to create labels and imported firebase into my iOS project Read more…
Individual This week I set up the data logging for our app. We are using firebase — the admin sdk and the real-time database. I created a simple interface for us to create key value pairs and increment counters in our database. This will be easy to deploy on the Read more…
Brian Bakerman Team B1 Individual status report This week, I worked on understanding how I will be able to interface with our various parts to create a data logging system. I have minimal experience with RFID tags, microcontrollers, and networking, so it was a week of a lot of googling Read more…