James Gualtieri
Team B1
Individual status report
For the week of 2/25, much of my individual work revolved around preparing the software necessary to communicate with the RFID reader. Although not yet arrived to us in shipping, I have worked in creating a set of functions necessary for the functionality of the SHTTR system. Initially, we had intended on using a server to communicate with the reader over an ethernet cable. However, as we were unable to obtain a commercial reader with these capabilities, we have pivoted to using a reader that allow for serial commands, something we can easily give from a Raspberry Pi over USB via a converter. Since the reader we are using for the project is a standard RFID reader, we are able to use standard RFID commands to communicate with it. Using this API, I worked on some preliminary functions to allow us to read specific RFID sensors as well as write to others.
In addition, the three of us together worked on the Design Review Report, which in itself was a significant burden of time for this past week.
Although my initial plans were to continue physical fabrication on the toilet paper usage sensor, we as a group decided that there were other steps more time sensitive to plan for the future of this project. As some of the tasks have been reordered, I am slightly behind on my intended progress for my contributions to the project, I believe the overall progress of the team is still on schedule for completely what we have planned.