Personal Progress
We were finally able to get the hall effect sensor connected to the raspberry pi. There were a few hiccups on my end with getting the pi set up and the necessary modules downloaded, but we we were able to get it done. The pi can successfully read inputs from one sensor. The next steps will be to add more sensors, connect them to a multiplexer, and read from them sequentially. Ultimately, the pi will have to read from an array of sensors that represent the individual pieces of the board. I hope to have the code for reading the array of sensors done by the end of the week.
I tried to get the pi to run headless without a monitor or keyboard so that I could work on the project anywhere, but I ran into issues with configuring the pi and had to table this until a later point. I have access to monitors and keyboards in the ECE labs as well as at home, so this should be fine.
We are slightly behind schedule because there were a couple hiccups with setting up the pi, but it is good that we were finally able to get that done. As long as I stay on track and complete the code for reading multiple sensors soon, I think we should be good to stay on schedule.
I hope to have the code for reading from the array of sensors done by the end of next week.