Chris Lee (chunglee) Weekly Progress Update 4/13/2019

Personal Progress

I’ve been looking at how we want to use the 7-segment display for the smart clock portion of the project. I have a good idea of how to connect the display to pi, and run a basic clock program. However, the complexity in the functionality comes mainly from how the clock will be triggered and stopped based on the game play. We want the clock to start as soon as the other player sets down their piece and stops their turn, and for it to stop when the player puts down their piece, signaling the end of their turn. There are still some design decisions that need to be finalized on the core game logic, and this will determine how and when the smart clock will be called. I am currently working with David on integrating the sensor software with the core game logic, and I will also be working on getting the 7-segment display connected to the pi to run basic programs so that we can integrate it quickly when the core game logic is finalized.


We will have the integration of core game logic and sensor software done by this Friday, and the smart clock functionality done by the weekend. I hope to start looking at the connected pi feature for remote play over the weekend as well.


We will complete integration of core game logic and sensor software, and the smart clock done by the end of the week. We will have a solid plan for connecting the pi’s as well.

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