Personal Progress
The design review report took a lot of time. I realized that this was really the first time that I had to fill out extensive design documentation like this. There were segments in which I realized that I was repeating myself or not really answering the question to the level of depth required, so I had to revise the sections that I wrote sometimes, or Austin and David helped me. Writing the report definitely made me think more about the details of our project and how everything would come together, so it was a helpful process.
We realized that we hadn’t ordered an SD card for our project so I ordered one to my home and it should arrive soon. Once I install the OS, I plan to set up Ethernet communication with the pi for ssh, make sure that python runs smoothly, and start looking at code for reading inputs from the sensors. I hope to have all this done before the end of spring break.
After I set up the pi during spring break, I hope to start looking at code to read inputs from the sensors. Once this works, I’ll start looking at controlling the muxes with the pi. The plan is to switch between reading from two sensors by the end of the week that we get back from spring break.
By the end of spring break, I hope to have the pi set up for all the things that we need in the future like python, ssh, ethernet, etc.