Team Status Report
Changes to schedule:
We anticipate shifting back our software-side timeline a bit since we were not able to get all the setup taken care of this week after receiving the Pis that we ordered. Since we ordered the incorrect USB cables, we will have to push back the Pi setup by about a week. Hopefully we can move quickly through the camera setup to make up for this, but regardless we have some slack in our schedule for problems like this.
Major project changes:
We don’t have any major project changes at this point.
For the fifth week of work on the project, I tried to get the Raspberry Pis booted and configured. After doing a lot of research about setting up WiFi on the Pis, I determined that the best way to set them up and boot them up would be to SSH through USB to obtain the MAC address in order to register the Pis with the CMU DEVICE network. Once I figured this out, though, I realized that we actually had ordered the wrong USB cables (male micro to female usb instead of male to male). Thus, I had to place another order for the correct USB cables, which will hopefully come this next week. For the second half of the week, I was traveling to Seattle for family reasons, so I wasn’t able to work much on the project.
This ordering mistake has set me back slightly in terms of schedule, but hopefully I’ll be able to move quickly through the rest of the Pi setup once I’m able to SSH in. I hope to be able to achieve basic camera functionality on the Pi next week.
Over break, no work was done. This week, we’ve begun looking into the tools for implementing the edge detection pipeline. At the moment, Vivado’s High Level Synthesis (HLS) tool is very enticing, as a lot of the complex mathematical functions are available should we decide to go down this route. Unfortunately, setting up and configuring HLS is proving to be quite difficult. I’m not entirely sure if it will pan out, so next week I’d like to start developing Plan B, which is to just crank out the Verilog for the pipeline. If HLS works, fantastic. The algorithm can be done with only a few lines of code. If it doesn’t, hopefully Plan B will be an adequate substitute.
Personal accomplishments this week:
- Switched to Xilinx PYNQ boot image and got programming of the FPGA working successfully and using a simple setup with starter scripts as a base.
- This will allow Edric and me to very easily program both the ARM core and the FPGA fabric.
- Mostly tested and interactively did programming of FPGA, so I will need to create a script that will automate this for us to prevent any issues in the future.
- Experimented with HLS, and decided to use HLS for memory interface verification
- HLS interacts very easily with AXI, which is the memory interfacing method we’ll be using to connect PS and PL. HLS will also reduce total verification time since I’m very familiar with C and do not have to worry about implementing RTL for AXI.
- Started working on memory interfacing between PS and PL. I did some research and started putting together the block design for the memory interface between PS and PL, and plan on finishing this up over the course of the next week. I’ll also be implementing an interface-level test that will instantiate a mock image with random data in PS, DMA the memory into PL, have PL increment each element by 1 using an HLS module that I will write (and unit test), and the DMA the result back into PS. PS will then be able to compare and verify the returned result. This will give us a good amount of confidence in the implementation considering that it accurately represents the interface-level communication that will occur in our final implementation. I’ll also be targeting a 375 MHz clock to start – I don’t think the memory interface will be the limiting factor, but this is already around the frequency that we want to target for our whole design. I’d rather push the frequency a bit higher than the overall design to start so that we are aware of its limitations in case we need to clock the design higher to meet latency requirements or to reduce overall DSP usage.
Progress on schedule:
- I wasn’t able to do any work over spring break other than reading about HLS since I had surgery and I came back to Pittsburgh late to allow more time for my recovery. I am slightly behind where I’d like to be, but I will be trying to catch up during the second half of next week.
Deliverables next week:
- Memory interface prototype using unit test to verify functionality.
- Continue improving toolchain and infrastructure as necessary (mainly scripting FPGA programming).