Team Status Report
Changes to schedule:
No major changes at this time.
Major project changes:
To simplify our demo setup a bit, we’ll be using a laptop as the end device for displaying the results of our system.
For this week on the project, I was able to make pretty decent progress overall. I found a resource on threading video capture and jpg frame sending, and was able to implement it to the point where it works reasonably well. Unfortunately, we were still having bandwidth issues, and were getting very low FPS numbers for the in lab demo on Wednesday. Thankfully, we figured out the issue, and after disabling the GUI, we were able to achieve ~10 FPS for the jpeg transmission. While this isn’t the 30 we set out to achieve, with the FPGA demonstrating a cap of 7 FPS, I think it should be fine at this point in our project. Additionally, Ilan was able to implement the memory storage function on the ARM core, so I’m just calling his function to store the pixel data into memory. Thus, I’ve almost completely finished my portion of the project, I just have to make sure the matplotlib method I’m using to display the video works, and refine it a bit. We spent the later part of the week working on the final presentation, so I plan on finishing display this upcoming week leading into the demo.
Personal accomplishments this week:
- Got full memory interfacing working with a sample Vivado IP block.
- Worked with Edric to get Gauss and Sobel fully synthesized and ready to integrate. Took the Gauss IP block and put it in our design on Wednesday, but the result of the compute pipeline was an array of 0s instead of expected data, so we determined there were a few possible causes:
- Our compute block is not piping through control signals to its downstream consumers
- Data is not streaming in/out of our compute block properly
Both of these required the use of an ILA and JTAG, so I tried inserting the JTAG adapter to the Ultra96 but my SSH session hung. David Gronlund then mentioned to me that the Ultra96 PYNQ image is not properly configured for JTAG, so we’ve been working since Thursday afternoon to create an image that supports JTAG debugging. This is still a work in progress and is where almost all of my focus is devoted.
- Finished up the Python script that will interface with PL and actually run images through the compute pipeline. I talked with Brandon and we have everything set up to combine those two scripts.
- Worked with Brandon to get software-end-to-end FPS up to 10, which is significantly higher than the ½ FPS we were getting before!
Progress on schedule:
- No updates, schedule is ending.
Deliverables next week:
Final demo.