- Implemented code on the Arduino for the speedometer. Built the circuit, tested the reed switch, implemented software debouncing for the switch, implemented the computation algorithm (the average of 4). The speedometer is essentially completed.
TODO: Right now the Arduino simply transmits the speed over serial every second. When the RPi is up, make sure that only the latest value is transmitted and only when the RPi requests it. Also, make an interface to configure the wheel circumference. - Worked more on the design document.
- I am concerned that the front LIDAR will not be accurate especially on bends.
- I am also concerned that the LIDAR will not work well against reflective cars.
- Tried to find research done on the effectiveness of car sensors. Seems like they don’t work particularly well. There is one by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on blind spots, and at the speeds CycleSafe is looking at it’s between a 3% to 20% delayed warning rate. The vehicle systems seem to prefer false negatives over false positives.
- The LIDAR on I2C works.
- Estimated the power consumption of the bike and the jacket.
- Am concerned about the system being hard to put together on the bike itself (need mounting points, gluing, etc.)
- I was concerned that the front LIDAR will not be accurate when the bicycle is turning, but there’s a solution if that’s a problem. It would involve a compass on board the bike, obtaining the bearing of the road from the map API, and using accelerometers to determine the tilt of the bike. Given that the sensors are all securely fastened, then you would be able to determine exactly how the sensors are pointing with respect to the road. Then you can account for turn/tilt.
- Met with Prof Ken Mai, to discuss the power consumption requirements and weight.