Hailang’s Apr. 6 Status Report

Hailang’s Apr. 6 Status Report


Early this week, we had finished integrating the end-to end flow and was able to get sounds playing from keypresses on the keyboard. Later on in the week, I spent some time working on miscellaneous additions to the project that were not detailed in the schedule such as integrating the control knobs into the synthesis pipeline. I also spent a decent amount of time cleaning up the code and removing artifacts from demo-preparation.  I have begun investigating the necessity and implementation of a digital low-pass filter stage before the DAC stage and have played around in MATLAB for filter parameter generation, as well as investigating the digital filter IP cores available for our FPGA. Finally, I resumed work on the effects chain, working on beginning to integrate the effects into the current synthesis chain


I am on track given the revised schedule we developed at the midterm demo. Next week I will work on tuning effects parameters and will begin either working on other parts of the synthesizer or start working on testing. I will need to run more experiments once we have a finished analog filter stage to see whether or not some of the high frequency distortion is caused by the lack of a proper amplifier stage or if the digital filter stage will be necessary. I have a lot of confidence in where we stand as a group after the integration testing we ran last week.

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