Bruce’s Status Report for 11.09

This week, my main focus was on finalizing the phone app. So currently, I have finalized our design of the app on iPhone, and right now it allows users to see the current changing status, the estimate time to full, and the thermal state of the phone.

App UI when it is charging

App UI when it is not charging

App Icon in phone

So right now the app looks better and contains animation, it also contains an app icon. However, One problem is that for IOS system, in order to provide the privacy, their public API to get the battery percentage only have accuracy of 5%. I also checked the existing app in App Store, and the existing app that can show battery percentage also have this problem.

I am currently on track.

Next week I would mainly focus on integrating this with the web browser and the macOS app, so that user can see their device info when they are charging on their computer. I would also help building the gantry system to make it mostly finished next week.

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