I did research on possible computer vision algorithms, netlists, and worked on the design presentation this week. I did more research into netlists since most of our research was focused on computer vision last week. Netlists are commonly used in various programs such as SPICEand SystemVerilog to generate schematics of how various components are connected to each other. I plan on using a hierarchical, object oriented system in which all components share their properties – this way I do not need to handle extraneous cases for components that act differently from other components (eg. diode vs resistor). I wrote basic code to connect two resistors together to test this concept.
I also researched computer vision algorithms specifically for our design presentation. During our discussions with Professor Yu and Mukundh this week, we realized that we need to dig deeper into the computer vision aspect of our project and flesh out the techniques we will use. I read through many papers that tried to solve similar problems to our computer vision algorithm, and we all collectively decided on using ORB for feature detection and a brute force matching algorithm.
Since I am presenting the design presentation next week, I also spent time writing up scripts and notes to look at while practicing my presentation. In order to ensure I give the best presentation possible, I want to prepare and practice in front of real people. By creating notes ahead of time, I can review these and refine my presentation skills after presenting multiple times to my roommates.
I am a little bit behind schedule. I had three interviews this past week that took up lots of my time, and I was therefore unable to do as much as I originally planned in terms of researching netlists. I did not write very much code for the netlist, but since I only have one interview next week I will be able to devote much more time to this project and therefore will be able to catch up. I hope to complete a netlist with more than just two components and create more than one type of component.
In my work this week I used concepts from 18-220 for the circuit simulation. I have not taken a computer vision course, so I have been reading up on many guides and papers on the subject in order to better understand the concepts and educate myself. OpenCV also has many guides and tutorials online that I have been trying to do and follow along with to get a better grasp on computer vision.