This week I worked a bit on some integration and on getting diodes integrated into my model. I wrote a function to create a netlist from the coordinate, component data structure we are using to send information between our backend and frontend. This function will register the coordinates as nodes and create component entries for each component in the netlist with the nodes that it determines for each component based on the coordinates. It then condenses the netlist by making nodes connected with a wire considered one node. By conducting this process, we can integrate the different parts of our application more easily.
I have also been trying to work on getting the diode to work in my modified nodal analysis circuit simulator model. This is proving to be incredibly difficult, because I must iteratively solve the system of equations to arrive at a correct solution. I have been doing research on the Newton Raphson method and how to implement it successfully in my code with the diode model. I am still unsuccessful in this aspect. Since I have not gotten the diode to work, I am falling a little behind but I will work on this over Thanksgiving break to compensate.
I have run test circuits that I randomly create through my circuit simulator and through an existing web based simulator. In the web simulator, I have to drag and drop the components then click each node I want to measure. This works at a small scale but will be annoying when I am stress testing my simulator. Thus, I plan to run automated testing on LTspice where I will run netlists through my simulator and LTspice and compare the outputs. I will then compare the outputs of these simulators to ensure the accuracy requirement is met.