Stephen Dai’s Status Report For 10/7/23

This week I spent much time and made good progress on the computer vision portion of our project! Originally in our schedule, I am to first do the individual component detection, but this week I opted to complete the full circuit detection in which I parse the original input image to generate the sub images for each component. I opted to do this because this will make it easier for me to test the individual circuit detection because I can upload drawings of full circuits instead of having to take individual photos of components. Also, by doing this I generate photos of the components that are more appropriately sized.

Here is the sub-image generation in action:

First the original image is greyscaled:

Then do some thresholding:

Then apply a median blur (see how just the nodes are left!):


Then use Hough Circle transform to find all the nodes (circles in white):

Then (skipping some steps here) generate individual component images by calculating bounding boxes for each edge (connection between nodes):


I also implemented the brute force feature matching to figure out the best matched component given an input image and a dataset of images. It actually worked better than I expected, successfully classifying 3/3 sub images, but obviously I need to do more testing. There is definitely a lot of stuff I want to tune still, and I want to try adding some blurring and more image preprocessing to see if the results are more definitive.

I am definitely on schedule. I purposely worked a lot this week because next week I have several midterms that will eat up my time, as well as the design report.

My next steps are to integrate the sub image generation and component detection so that I can work on the full-circuit re-creation and netlist generation. After this infrastructure is completed, I will start to fine tune parameters and whatnot in each step of the process.

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