Ging’s Weekly Report 12.9

This week, we did our final presentation and peer review. I edited the final poster as well. Also, I conducted more user testing in Scaife, and recorded several videos showing the ability of our product. I also started to write our final report.

The progress is on schedule. What we need to do is final demo, final video and final report. We’re not behind.

Next week, we plan to submit final video on Monday, and continue finishing the remaining part of our final report and submit it by Friday.

Ging’s Weekly Report 12.2

This week, I’ve done software accuracy testing for the deep learning model. I computed its mIOU, mAP, and plotted its loss curve. Also, I participated in our team’s testing on its usability Wednesday. We debugged it by recording a trace folder of the testing objects and pinpointing specific bugs. Friday, we conducted a user-testing in real world and record a demo video.

My progress is on schedule. We will submit final presentation this weekend and do final demo next week.

Next week, we will continue debugging small bugs. The main task is to make sure everything is ready for demo.

Team Weekly Report for 11/18

This week, we are worried that the visualization of our project is not smooth enough, even though the speaker is smooth and real-time. This has been the greatest risk that could jeopardize the success of the project, since we want to present our visualization on the monitor on the demo day. So, to manage this risk, we are working on the control script of the recognition system to optimize the rendering to output estimation results in real-time. Some of the ways we explored are vectorization into a numpy array, creating non-blocking processes. The contingency plan is to spawn fewer processes to optimize the overhead.

No change is made to the system design. No updates to the schedule. We are on track now for testing.

Team question: Explain how you have grown as a team, and detail some of the strategies you have used to establish goals and plan tasks so far this semester.

As a team, our collaboration has been more successful in terms of clearer goals and better communication. We set clear goals individually and as a team, and this leads to on-time delivery of milestones because we use specialized expertise to focus on goals better. One strategy we have used to establish clear goals is to set goals based on priority. We focus more on urgent tasks, then important tasks, then non-urgent and non-important tasks. By using this strategy, we can rule out some tasks that are over-thinking. For example, we can focus more on important tasks such as real-world testings of the system instead of optimizing the script blindly. Another strategy is to set both flexible and hard deadlines. Flexible deadlines motivate each of us to take responsibility and hard deadlines ensure the schedule is on track.



Ging’s Weekly Report 11/18

This week, I have refined the model to add more labels to the output. The model was not very good because the dataset is small and not class-balanced. I tried to use focal loss to deal with the class imbalance, but the result was still not good though. Also, I have helped my teammates to construct the stand holding the sensors. We also did testings in real-world scenarios. We modified the scripts and the model based on the result. The result was not bad. The picture of us doing the testing can be found in our team weekly report.

We are on schedule. No changes need to be made to the schedule. Next week, I hope to test the modified system and iteratively add new modifications. I will be ready for the demo.

Ging’s Status Report 11/11

This week I have completed the model for object detection. I tested FRCNN and YOLO for tradeoff and integrated YOLO to the inferencing pipeline. Also, I’ve done data processing to transform the dataset to well-formatted trainable dataset.

I’m on schedule. No need to update the schedule. Next week, I want to refine the models for higher accuracy and start testing and validation.

For testing the model, I plan to run an accuracy test on the model. We will simulate the environment of the blind, and record the number of catches/misses of the system. We will also weigh these catches/misses by the bounding box mismatches. We will then use the weighted average as a metric to examine whether the design meets the requirement. We will also measure the weight of the system to make sure it doesn’t exceed the 5lb requirement.

Ging’s Status Report 11/04

This week, I’ve written a program to turn training set images from yolo5 format to the custom format for training. Also, I’ve finished the training of our object detection model. It is a custom model with a backbone of resnet and has similar, but smaller structure as YOLO. I will compare its inferencing accuracy with pre-trained model’s accuracy and pick the most optimal one.

My progress is on schedule and will produce a roughly workable prototype for next week’s interim demo. There is no change to our schedule.

Next week, we will do the interim demo and find out missing details in real-world testings.

Team Status Report for 10.28

This week, the most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of theproject is the collection of our dataset. Since the use case is limited to hallways, we found there are few sources of available datasets. One plan is to contact a former CMU PhD student about the dataset. The contingency plan is to collect it ourselves and perform data augmentations on it.

One change made to the system design is to adopt an object detection architecture similar to YOLO instead of SLAM and edge detection. This is because SLAM is more than necessary by memorizing the hallway, and edge detection is less than necessary by failing to recognize objects. The cost is to redesign the code to train the model. It will be mitigated by refactoring some parts of previous code such as data preprocessing.

The schedule is unchanged. We plan to complete the model in this week and next week.

Ging’s Status Report for 10/28

This week I have built the model for object detection. I explored the differences between a one-stage model and two-stage model, and I built a two-stage model and started training a little bit. I learned the concept of anchors, NMS algorithm and Jaccard index, the outcome is fruitful. The model works pretty well. And I’m on track this week. The plan doesn’t need to be modified.

Another thing we’ve been doing is collecting data. After Wednesday’s meeting, professor Tamal suggested switching to a small dataset and adding post-processing. So next week I will explore how to post-process the dataset and ask my teammates to collect data together.

Attached is the training loss report for one epoch showing this week’s work.

# Loss output
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 4801/6440 || Iter: 4801/6440 || Loc: 0.9353 Cla: 1.5471 Landm: 2.1233 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.6921 s || ETA: 0:18:55
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 5101/6440 || Iter: 5101/6440 || Loc: 3.4078 Cla: 3.8303 Landm: 18.6551 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.6789 s || ETA: 0:15:09
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 5401/6440 || Iter: 5401/6440 || Loc: 0.6965 Cla: 1.4381 Landm: 1.0676 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.6735 s || ETA: 0:11:40
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 5701/6440 || Iter: 5701/6440 || Loc: 0.7189 Cla: 1.0520 Landm: 1.5581 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.6454 s || ETA: 0:07:57
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 6001/6440 || Iter: 6001/6440 || Loc: 2.2662 Cla: 2.8337 Landm: 7.2278 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.8076 s || ETA: 0:05:55
# Epoch:1/1 || Epochiter: 6301/6440 || Iter: 6301/6440 || Loc: 2.2961 Cla: 3.4013 Landm: 3.2449 || LR: 0.00100000 || Batchtime: 0.6540 s || ETA: 0:01:31

Ging’s Status Report 10/21

This week I’ve explored the deep learning model for object detection. I’ve looked at the code for backbone, neck, and head and browsed which set of model I should use. This is the code of the detector:

Also, I looked at how objects are identified using bounding boxes. I ran a demo with facial recognition to show hoe human’s faces are detected with facial landmarks.

The project is roughly on schedule. Next week, I hope to achieve a workable version of the object detection network.

Individual question:

ABET #7 says: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

As you’ve now established a set of sub-systems necessary to implement your project, what new tools are you looking into learning so you are able to accomplish your planned tasks?

Personally, I will learn how object detection model works, and the fine tuning tradeoff of different CNN backbone, different FPN, and different heads. Also, to train the model, I will learn how to work with jupyter notebook.

Ging’s Status Report for 10/07

This week, I practiced and presented the design review presentation. I also completed peer reviews of design review. Personally, I learned a lot from other group’s design such as detailed hardware design and concrete PCB diagram. I also managed to finish setup on ece-cluster machine. It takes lots of time because I’m having trouble using pip on my afs space as my disk quota is entirely filled. This is a screenshot of my correspondence with ECE ITS Chad to solve this problem. My schedule is on time. For next week, I hope I can deploy the model and start training.