Jeffery Weekly

To Do:

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files orphotos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will betaken to catch up to the project schedule?”What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?”

Jeffery Status Report for Weeks of Dec. 9:

  1. I have completed the poster and am on the way to editing the Final Video. I also finished my sections of the Final Report and am helping my teammate with their sections of the final report.
  2. I have finished my section of the Gantt chart.
  3. I plan to finish my share of the work by the end of Sunday, as I am leaving in the middle of next week. This alleviates the additional burden for my teammate.

Jeffery Status Report for Dec 2:

  1. I have conducted tests, such as latency tests, battery tests, voice tests, and other verification and validation measurements to make sure the product complies with the requirements we had previously set.
  2. My progress is ahead of the schedule, as of now, our main focus has been making tests and validating the product, as well as some debugging and visualization that professors would like.
  3. The Final product with my teammates.

Jeffery Status Report for Nov 18:

  1. I have converted to a hardware voltage watch, due to the fact that jetson itself does not have any internal battery regulation system. This week, I soldered the microcontroller board that reads off the voltage with a ADC connected to a voltage divider (unfortunately not a buck converter due to cost and shipping). I also drilled holes on the shell so people can wear it.
  2. I am on track with the new schedule, if not early.
  3. The completed battery watch system.

Jeffery Status Report for Nov 11:

  1. I have completed the mount production, which by the end of next week, was able to work together to house the jetson, speaker, camera, and the battery. Additionally, I have created and labeled more pictures for the software side to train and obtain better accuracy.
  2. I am on track with the new schedule.
  3. The completed housing that houses all electrical components.
  4.  The test I have completed is the Battery draining test. In next week, after the housing is done, I will perform the weight measurement. After thanksgiving and after the battery watch function is done, I will also conduct test on the reliability of the battery watch test.

Jeffery Status Report for Nov 4:

  1. I have tested on the battery power draw, which although sufficed the one-hour target, did not meet the calculated battery life (Again, this might because the voltage drop at the end of the battery life is non-linear). I worked with George on creating the data collection code, and eventually, I finished data gathering and labeling more than 150 pictures with different features. Solved issues with finicky connections by disabling openCV features.
  2. We are actively changing the schedule to fit the current situation. I am on the schedule. The next step is to perform numerous tests and create fixtures for the camera.
  3. Preparing for Interim Demo.

Jeffery Status Report for Oct 28:

  1. I have create one single function that for Ging to call and receive data easily. The single function was able to setup the camera once and for all, capture the image, transform into the desired width and height, and at the end deliver. Additionally, I helped to gather training data for training the neural network.
  2. My progress is on-time with the schedule
  3. I was hoping to finish training data gathering with Ging and George both online and in CMU. At the end, deliver the first half of the pipeline.


Jeffery Status Report for Oct 21:

  1. I have wrote the design detail report that lasted up to 12 pages, include details for architectural setup, testing, other similar products, and summary, as well as helped my teammate to finish their part of the report.
  2. 2. My progress is on time with my schedule.
  3. As Ging is deploying his Neural Network, I wish to deliver the first half of the image pipeline.
  4. Some new tool I need to learn is openCV and other computer vision pipeline knowledges. Those will allow me to help Ging to complete the pipeline.


Jeffery’s Status Report for Oct. 5

  1. I have developed a tester code that was able to adjust the parameters of the real sense camera manually, which can be used to tune the parameters for the camera based on scenarios. Additionally, I tested the parameter in different scenarios (Sunny days outside of Hamerschlag), Dark locations such as Robotic Education Labs, etc.). Additionally, I researched, compared, and placed order on the battery system that will be used in this project, which support high voltage output that allows the NVIDIA jetson to run a full-powers (20W).
  2. My progress is at time with the schedule.
  3. As Ging is deploying his Neural Network, I wish to deliver the first half of the image pipeline.


Jeffery’s status Report for Sept. 30

  1. I developed the demo tester code that was able to connect NVIDIA Jetson to the realsense camera-lider system, output images, and store in a .avi file. I also helped my team to write the slide that is due last week, which we consolidated on the requirements, measurement metrics, as well as visuals. Additionally, I helped make edits on the presentation slides, especially on the block diagram. Lastly, I completely reflashed the Nvidia Jetson board and installed toolchain for our work. I figured out VNC, which we are no longer need to connect the jetson to a monitor.
  2. My progress is on time. This week I am going to develop “tube” code that communicates between cameras to the model, where Ging is working on
  3. Next week, with Ging’s support, I am going to deliver the code for the initial pipelines.
  4. Weekly Question: The class that helped me the most is 18349-Embedded Systems, in which I learned a lot about dealing with microcomputers and microcontrollers, which enabled me to program and write scripts in Jetson. (Another class the helped me the most is actually 16311-Intro to robotic, that class, although is not ECE, taught me a lot on openCV and embedded Linux, which also helped me a lot in terms of infrastructure setup. Sadly it’s not an ECE class. )

Jeffery’s Status Report for Sept. 23

  1. I personally researched different ways to connect Jetson with the realsense camera and how to extract it using OpenCV
  2. The progress is on schedule
  3. Next week, I should be able to deliver the external connection with the real sense camera and allow the software to fetch.