Team Status Report for 11/18/2023

The biggest risk that we are currently facing is the ambiguity over the time synchronization between the website and the guitar. Since both of them are displaying to the user the song at the same time, it is crucial to have them synced up to a reasonable amount. Thankfully, based on early testing, the delay between when the website inputs a query and when the backend receives the query over local wifi is small enough for the user to not notice. However, if the wifi gets slow and causes the connection delay to increase, then it is possible that the website could become completely detached from the guitar during the song. So we decided that the guitar timing information will be calculated on the teensy itself instead of sending pulses to the webpage so that at least the statistics will be correct for the users playing even if the website is delayed.

Progress is also on schedule with the Gantt charts presented during our Interim Demo.

This week our team made further progress in the integration of the whole super fret system. While Ashwin and Tushaar worked further on making the Raspberry Pi cooperate with the Teesy via Uart communication, Owen managed to carve out all the necessary channels in the fretboard of the bass guitar and applied all the PCBs.

Our team’s growth this semester has been evident in the strategic delegation of tasks and clear role understanding. Ashwin took charge of software development, Tushaar led firmware efforts, and Owen spearheaded hardware tasks. This division allowed us to capitalize on individual strengths and expertise. Effective communication was maintained through consistent updates and discussions on Slack, ensuring that everyone was informed and aligned with the project’s progress. Trust in each team member’s abilities enabled a collaborative environment, allowing us to efficiently tackle challenges and achieve our goals.

As a team, we have all learned how to better communicate the needs of our individual components of the project. We have learned that although we can each develop our components on our own, without constant communication, there will be issues with integration and ensuring that everyone has the same goals for the project. For example, Tushaar and Ashwin have had to be in constant communication to ensure that they both have the same views for each mode of the guitar. In the middle of the semester, we realized that we each had our own views for the guitar, so it was important for us to up our communication as a team and discuss our visions for the final product

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