Ashwin’s Status Report for 10/7

This Week I worked more on the website in order to implement the backend functionality that would eventually allow us to send MIDI files to the guitar via a web interface as well as stop and start songs. The work primarily consisted of creating database endpoints and linking the front end to the backend via Javascript.  More specifically:

Here is the website without any songs in the database (we would have pre-downloaded files for final user experience). Clicking on the add file button allows you to add a file:

Here you can designate a name, a file, and whether it is a song or a scale file.

After you click submit, the file will appear in the list that you chose. This is significant as it means the file is stored on the Pi itself allowing us to parse it and display it on the guitar in real-time. You can then delete the file if you no longer wish to use it or start the file to theoretically begin the song on the guitar.

Upon clicking the start button, the webpage freezes and a popup appears indicating that a session is in progress. The user can then stop the song at any time using the stop button.

This completes most of the basic functionality for the GUI which puts me on schedule. However, in the future, we plan to implement a scrolling guitar dynamic display (like that from Guitar Hero) on the website. This would allow the user to refer to both the guitar and the website for guidance. For next week, I hope to implement a UART driver that allows the Raspberry Pi to communicate with the microcontroller.


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