This week, I mostly focused on getting all of the sensors onto the glove itself. I helped in soldering wires onto the sensors as well as soldering them directly onto the board. I measured roughly and made sure there was enough wire to reach the board on the back of the hand. After this, I tested each sensor to make sure they were still working, and then gave it to a small user group to try out. One of the most concerning responses was that when the user reached up to squeeze the touch sensors, it would accidentally trigger the flex sensors, since the finger naturally bends to touch finger pads with another. I experimented more with the placement of each sensor on the glove, and we decided to move all the sensors down so that the touch sensors were easier to reach and the flex sensors would only trigger with drastic finger flexes. After this, I experimented with actuating certain commands with the sensors, and it worked fairly well. Additionally, I toggled with the thresholds of what we consider a press or not, and mapped them more closely with this new placement of sensors. I also started working on the slides for the final presentation as well as practicing my speech during the presentation. We are currently on schedule and will be able to present next week for the final presentation. Next week, I will work on fine tuning the thresholds and adding a way for the user to calibrate the sensors to their liking.