This week, we continued preparing for the interim demo. This included preparing some chess pieces for the board to validate piece detection. After the demo, I worked on preparing the acrylic board top by purchasing new acrylic and starting the design to be engraved on the panel. I also looked into buying a new set of chess pieces that allow a magnet to be more easily inserted into the base.
Progress for the hardware validation and testing with a microcontroller is on schedule in that this section of the project is complete and the system has passed our accuracy tests for piece detection. The overall progress for testing and integrating the hardware through to the website and testing the full-scale project is in progress, but about a week behind. To remedy this we will be trying to integrate performance tests during the integration. The latency and power use metrics can be done during this process. We also have two weeks of slack time to work with if necessary.
For the next week, I hope to have all the pieces ready to go with magnets in them as well as to have the acrylic top engraved.