We had the interim demos this week, which went well. We were able to get the firmware and board working perfectly, so our sensor demo functioned exactly as planned.
Once the firmware was working on the Arduino, I translated into the c++ that will eventually run on the RPi. This was not too difficult, due to the RPi SPI interface using the WiringPi library being quite similar to Arduino. However, there were some differences that I had to be sure I understood. I also took the opportunity to slightly rearrange the sensor read order – the Arduino firmware writes the sensor data into an array column by column, while the sensors are read row by row, which was confusing and a bit inefficient. The new c++ firmware is easier to read as a result. I was also able to finish implementing the output state logic for the legality check using the GPIO functions of the WiringPi library. The large remaining concern here is that my programs still have to be tested on the RPi itself.
I plan on testing my code on the RPi next week. Again, working on firmware integration took longer than expected, so I am about a week behind schedule. I will aim to get the code functioning so that user testing and remaining hardware testing can begin the week of 11/21.